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creating a culture for school improvement

Tim Matthews

Tim is Deputy Headteacher at Oriel High School. His goal is to help teachers reflect on their practice and improve, ultimately providing better outcomes for learners.
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10 ways to be a better Subject Leader

Posted by Tim Matthews on 3/2/18 11:00 AM

Tim Matthews is Deputy Headteacher at Oriel High School. As well as creating this helpful blog, he has also built a useful group in the IRIS Connect platform,‘Leading A Self Improving Department'. It's a great starting point if you are taking your first steps as a Subject Leader or are looking to review how you are doing things.  It's FREE to our customers. Click here to login and join today >

If you are either an established Subject Leader or are taking your first steps into subject leadership - good luck!

On my first day as a new Subject Leader I remember walking into school nursing an emotional cocktail of pride, excitement, nervousness and an inescapable feeling that I would be "found out" probably by the end of the day and certainly by the end of the first week.

As it happens things were not as bad as I anticipated because the people I worked with were incredibly supportive and not afraid of telling me when things could be done better! Over time I came to realize how important the role of Subject Leader is and the opportunities that you have to influence the learning of students and improve the day-to-day teaching experience for colleagues.  

Here are 10 tips you might find useful if you are about to take up post as a new Subject Leader or are an established Leader reflecting on the performance of an existing team...

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